What is it?
AutoCAD is a Windows-based application. It is designed to be an essential design tool for engineers and architects. It provides the most advanced 2D and 3D drafting tools available in any design application. Although most users will simply “draw” with AutoCAD, the application provides sophisticated, powerful and complex modeling capabilities.
Typical uses include drawing architectural and structural details, designing electrical or plumbing systems, and creating buildings and their mechanical systems. Although AutoCAD is primarily a drafting software, it can also be used to create architectural visualization models, such as for interior design and photography.
The current version of AutoCAD is 2020, released in 2018. The 2013 version of AutoCAD released in 2012 is referred to as AutoCAD LT.
In addition to features provided by other industry-standard 3D modeling and rendering software applications, AutoCAD has many features unique to AutoCAD.
Unique to AutoCAD:
Color and transparency support
allows you to place, select and paint colors and materials onto 2D and 3D surfaces. You can apply materials to solids, surface patterns, arcs, contours, 2D shapes, 3D solids, and most 3D surfaces.
Enable and configure one-click automatic guidance when you are working on 2D drawings.
deletes guides from drawing objects when a crossing edge is deleted.
initial scaling
Control initial scaling when you start a drawing.
line colors
Color blocks, lines, splines, arcs, angles, arcs, circles, circles, ellipses, quadrate, ellipsoids, polylines, polylines, polylines, polylines, and splines
measuring lines
Design and analyze complex geometry with any tool. Measure and place relative to two or more control points, measure and set coordinates, create sections, splines, and tangent and arc planes.
multiple pens and multiple layers
Perform full-para editing or apply a different set of commands to a part of a drawing.
nested commands
Perform complex operations on a drawing and other drawings. You can have the same command perform different operations on different drawings or models in a single action.
automatic and dynamic dimensioning
Display dimension properties and dimension placement automatically with one click. Enter dimensioning objects, set
MS Access import and export of AutoCAD. Export to DXF, DWG, SVG, and other formats. Import from DXF, DWG, SVG, other AutoCAD formats. The add-on Application is called Access AutoCAD.
AutoCAD is shipped with several toolbars to the user, containing many of the standard drawing commands:
Drawing Navigator
Drafting Tools
3D View
Advanced Window Options
Align View
Drawing Systems
Drafting View
2D View
Additional tools that can be accessed through the Drawing Navigator toolbar are:
Drafting Tools
Some of the toolbar icons in the Drawing Navigator may be disabled (greyed out). For example, the drawing history and custom commands are disabled by default, but are available in the Customize option in the Options dialog.
AutoCAD originally included an extension called Axis for calculating distances and dimensions.
There is no longer an extension to do so as of 2016. It is provided in AutoCAD LT, which is very similar to AutoCAD. The AutoLISP documentation is still available and in many respects still works.
Dedicated server
AutoCAD LT can run as a dedicated server. AutoCAD LT Desktop customers can connect to a Microsoft Windows server through the “New Connection” menu option in the AutoCAD LT Server Manager window. This can be useful in situations where the client computer is not connected to the network at all or when a network is too slow for loading a large file.
Autodesk also provides a server-based “alternate” software called Simulink Design Automation (SDN) which functions as an alternative to the RAD Studio-based Design Automation software.
AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT allow users to create drawings and import them into other Autodesk software. The following table shows the drawing formats and compatible applications that are supported by each product.
AutoCAD – AutoCAD Classic, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD LT for Mac (32-bit and 64-bit versions), AutoCAD LT for Windows, AutoCAD Architecture (32-bit and 64-bit versions), AutoCAD Electrical (32-bit and 64-bit versions),
Select Autocad Designer 2017
Log in with your Autocad account.
You will now be able to create new images of current Autocad settings for editing.
Select Keygen and click on the button Create the key.
It will download the keygen. Now you have to change the executable file so it opens Autocad Designer.
Open the executable and look for the folder “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autocad\20171\Designer” and click on the icon.
Then select “Autocad_2017_Designer_2017.exe” and press enter.
It will open Autocad Designer.
Now you can create all the settings you need for the image of your file.
Support for ISO 14443B Type B card readers.
In Autocad you can make keycodes for creating schematics.
You can make an EPSF file for correct placement of all of your files.
You can make a PDF file for printing.
You can make an XLS for printing and save the current settings in the file.
You can save all your files to the server and open them on the future from your phone.
The phone can act as a USB file server or can act as a Client for your phone.
The phone can be used as a desktop printer for CAD drawings on the cloud.
This app doesn’t require root access, so even if you root your device, the app won’t be disabled.
Category:Android (operating system) software
Category:Mobile software
Category:IOS software
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Practical Features:
Drawing enhancements for better collaboration with others in your office. New command shortcuts to create and edit polylines and blocks, and to toggle between manual and automatic setting of dimensions. (video: 2:23 min.)
Model-Based Drawing:
Access more models to create your drawings. Draw on existing models or create from scratch, creating layers in the drawing with parametric properties. Automatically update your drawings when new content in the model changes. (video: 2:42 min.)
Project-Based Design:
AutoCAD and cloud-based projects: Get the software and apps you need, and access them from wherever you are. Create a new drawing and save to a Google Drive file. Share or collaborate on a file and manage access to it in the cloud. (video: 1:56 min.)
Web-based Apps:
Get your work done with the tools you need, from anywhere. Access your AutoCAD drawings and manage projects and files from your desktop and mobile device. Get cloud-based features, such as automatic document updates and versioning. (video: 1:15 min.)
View this video on YouTube
Graphical User Interface (GUI):
Simplify command-line tasks with the modern look of the User Interface. Easily customize settings to personalize the interface. (video: 1:28 min.)
Enhanced Security:
The software is more secure. AutoCAD is built from the ground up to support different scenarios, so it can better defend itself from exploits and intrusions. You can further enhance security by configuring the software and other settings. (video: 1:07 min.)
Enhanced Fonts:
The fonts and colors used in AutoCAD are more consistent and easier to use. In addition, there are new fonts. For example, Bogenum Gothic is a new geospatial font, specifically designed for rendering 2-D geospatial data. (video: 1:42 min.)
Improved Performance:
Powerful. AutoCAD has been improved to run faster and more smoothly. The interface has been made easier to use. (video: 1:54 min.)
Appealing Modern Look:
New and improved look and feel. AutoCAD has been updated to make it easier to use and more visually appealing. (video: 1:46 min.)
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