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And i used debuger to check the value of frz and it’s OK.
When i’m enabling direct draw mode with V-Sync the problem occurs.
I don’t know the question answer you had look at the graphics card, there is a lot of option available for the second monitor maybe configure in the Configuration section.
Maybe you could look into it, maybe you got some settings for the second screen left by one of your multiple monitor setup?
Something like this : my multiple monitor setup settings or something like that.
But there is a lot of conflicting opinions on this for setup.
You can check “Fusion” but for me it is a bit of a nightmare and I am not really satisfied with the result.
How can I declare a table of which ‘name’ I want to select from?
I am trying to select a row from a table where the ‘name’ (string) of that row is the same as the variable ‘a’, but the query isn’t working out.
Code below:
$sql= ‘SELECT * FROM “table” WHERE “name”= “.$a.” ‘;
The variable $a is set from the $_GET method.
Does anyone know where I am going wrong?
Use single quotes and escape the’if you use double quotes.
$sql = “SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `name` = ‘”.$a.”‘ “;
BTW, don’t use SELECT * unless you have a reason, and if you have a reason, then write out the column names as well, if you need to.
“$schema”: “”,
“contentVersion”: “”,
“parameters”: {
“natGatewayNamePrefix”: {
“type”: “string”,
“metadata”: {
“description”: “Prefix to add to the network security group name.”