TClockEx is a lightweight application which gives you the possibility of tweaking some options regarding the time/date display of Windows.
Once installed, the app changes the format of the system clock. Thus, it shows the current date, day and time with seconds. Editing program options is possible through the Properties screen, via the context menu.
Therefore, you can create a custom-made clock display by choosing code elements; these focus on sample and default formats, along with date and time elements (e.g. week number, day of year, timezone name).
Other such elements involve system resources (e.g. show the available physical RAM or memory load), line positions and breaks, as well as hidden separators and literal text. But you can also build and apply user-defined elements.
In addition, TClockEx allows you to set the width of the clock display, establish the font, text and background color, customize the tooltip and copy-to-Clipboard format, as well as configure calendar settings when it comes to remembering its last position, making it stay on top of other frames, displaying week numbers, or highlighting specific days of the week.
Further features of the app revolve around mouse actions (single and double-button click) and menu options (e.g. fancy banner), while advanced users can tinker parameters in regard to the CPU and memory load. Plus, TClockEx can be set to automatically run at system startup.
TClockEx barely uses CPU and system memory, has a good response time to key strokes and mouse events, and includes user documentation. We have not come across any mishaps throughout our evaluation, since TClockEx did not hang, crash or display error notifications.
Its interface is outdated but that's because the utility has been overlooked for a long time. Users who are looking for customization features concerning the system clock would surely get a kick out of TclockEx.
Get-Service – Status
Get-Service – Status Description
Checks the status of a specified service.
Get-Service [-DisplayName] []
Get-Service [-Description] []
Get-Service [-Name] []
Get-Service [-Description] []
Retrieves information about services and their status in the operating system.
Get-Service [-DisplayName] []
Get-Service [-Description] []
You can specify the value of the Status parameter to display the status of the service. Valid values for this parameter are:
“RUNNING” = The service is running.
“STOPPED” = The service is stopped.
“STOPPING” = The service is stopped, and the reason for stopping is displayed.
“PAUSED” = The service is paused.
“PAUSING” = The service is paused, and the reason for pausing is displayed.
“CONTINUES” = The service is paused, and the reason for pausing will not be displayed.
“CONTINUE” = The service is paused, and the reason for pausing will be displayed.
“FATAL” = The service is stopped with an error.
“FATALED” = The service is stopped with an error, and the error is displayed.
“DETACHED” = The service is stopped, but it remains attached to the computer.
“DETACHING” = The service is stopped, but it remains attached to the computer, and the reason for stopping is displayed.
“ATTACHING” = The service is paused, and the reason for pausing is displayed.
“ATTACHED” = The service is paused, and the reason for pausing will not be displayed.
“LEAVING” = The service is stopped and the computer will continue to run applications that are associated with the service.
“STARTING” = The service is starting.
“STARTING_ONLY” = The service is starting, and the computer will continue to run applications that are associated with the service.
“EXITED” = The service is stopped and the computer will continue to run applications that are associated with the service.
*Speed Optimized*
*Lighter than most alternatives*
*Very flexible*
*Has a Settings window*
*User friendly*
*Worked with Windows XP (SP3) and later*
*Language options for Chinese (Simplified), Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Albanian, Bengali, Persian, Greek, Japanese, Arabic and Korean*
*Has a Help menu*
*Built-In wizard for setting up day and time formats*
*Runs from system start-up*
*Runs as a service*
*Runs from CD without installation*
*Configure built-in wizard for setting up day and time formats*
*Applies the new style theme during installation*
*Customizable for day and date*
*Customizable for week, month and year*
*Customizable for month, week, day and year*
*Customizable for hour, minute and second*
*Configuration menu for changing some options via the console*
*Easily adjusts for user-specific needs*
*Controls the fonts used*
*Handles mouse movements, left-click and double-clicks*
*Does not use the system clock of Windows*
*Does not use third-party libraries*
*Has a warning message*
*Optimized for Windows XP and later*
*Optimized for Windows Vista and later*
*Optimized for Windows 7 and later*
*Optimized for Windows Server 2008 and later*
*-Updated to Windows 7 and 8*
*-Updated to Windows Vista and later*
*-Updated to Windows XP and later*
*-Updated to Windows Server 2008 and later*
*-Added an option to hide the clock in the task bar*
*-Updated to Windows 8*
*-Updated to Windows 7 and later*
*-Updated to Windows Vista and later*
*-Updated to Windows XP and later*
*-Updated to Windows Server 2008 and later*
*TClockEx*is a lightweight application which gives you the possibility of tweaking some options regarding the time/date display of Windows.
Once installed, the app changes the format of the system clock. Thus, it shows the current date, day and time with seconds. Editing program options is possible through the Properties screen, via the context menu.
Therefore, you can create a custom-made clock display by choosing code elements; these focus on sample and default formats, along with date and time elements (e.g. week number, day of year, timezone name).
Other such elements involve system resources (e.g. show the available physical RAM or memory load), line positions and breaks, as well as hidden separators and literal text. But you can also build and apply user-defined elements.
In addition, TClockEx allows you to set the width of the clock display, establish the font, text and background color, customize the tooltip and copy-to-Clipboard format, as well as configure calendar settings when it comes to remembering its last position, making it stay on top of other frames, displaying week numbers, or highlighting specific days of the week.
Further features of the app revolve around mouse actions (single and double-button click) and menu options (e.g. fancy banner), while advanced users can tinker parameters in regard to the CPU and memory load. Plus, TClockEx can be set to automatically run at system startup.
TClockEx barely uses CPU and system memory, has a good response time to key strokes and mouse events, and includes user documentation. We have not come across any mishaps throughout our evaluation, since TClockEx did not hang, crash or display error notifications.
Its interface is outdated but that’s because the utility has been overlooked for a long time. Users who are looking for customization features concerning the system clock would surely get a kick out of TclockEx.
TclockEx Review:
– TclockEx is a free utility that is just a clock application that shows you current date/time in second format. It is a simple but useful program.
– It can customize the date and time display with customizable format and format options.
– TclockEx easy to use the interface with few clicks and you can customize it with unlimited number of options.
– More than 2000 settings options including.. It works with all systems of Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
– Press Win+
It is a lightweight application that allows you to customize the time/date display of Windows. By making some simple changes, the app will offer you an ideal clock view. While you can choose to apply the chosen code elements to the system clock, you can also build and apply your own elements to do so.
Some of these elements focus on sample formats, sample lines, date and time elements (e.g. week number, day of year, time zone name), as well as other elements. For example, you can change the size of the clock display, specify the font, text and background color, and customize the tooltip and copy-to-Clipboard format. In addition, the app allows you to set the width of the clock display, establish the font, text and background color, customize the tooltip and copy-to-Clipboard format, and also configure calendar settings.
What is new in this version:
– Re-design. The toolbar has been updated, as well as the user interface.
– Added license-key.
– Improved performance.
– Improved startup.
– We fixed some issues.
– TClockEx is translated into Chinese (PRC).
– We removed the original TclockEx.
– We developed TClockEx to fit our customers.
What is new in this version:
The new, independent version was released.
How do I install and use TClockEx?
1. [Download the executable file] Unzip the downloaded TClockEx package.
2. [Run the install.exe file and follow the prompts] Run the setup and install. You must add the installation folder in the registry.
3. [Apply the changes] Right-click the clock and choose “Properties” to apply your changes.
4. [For more information] See the help file.
If you have a problem, send email to support@filerecon.com.
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Minimum Recommended Operating System: OS/2 Warp 3.9, or Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2
Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2 HDD Space Required: 64 MB
64 MB RAM Required: 256 MB
256 MB Hard Disk Space: 200 MB
200 MB Video Memory: 256 MB
256 MB DVD/CD-ROM Drive: any DVD drive will do
any DVD drive will do Sound Card: An Open Sound System (OSS) compatible sound card is required for sound support. See: