Managing a gaming center or Internet cafe is not as easy as it seems, because a lot of things need to be taken into consideration, such as customer misuse or billing time for each administrated computer.
With the help of ANTAMEDIA Internet Cafe Software, you can considerably ease off your work. The program helps you secure and enhance the quality of billed computer use, by recording the time used by customers to browse, play games, use other applications, perform calls or print papers.
Reliable tool for managing an Internet cafe
The application provides you with an efficient way of monitoring and billing Internet cafe clients, by registering the time they spend on any of your computers. Furthermore, you can protect your computer from customer misuse, by restricting access to certain programs or files that might affect your machine if tampered with.
This way, inexperienced clients will only have access to the programs they are allowed to use, being unable to manipulate system files or other applications.
Intuitive monitoring utility for multiple computers
ANTAMEDIA Internet Cafe Software can help you easily administrate an Internet cafe or gaming center, by registering and billing your customers to a central machine that is under your supervision.
By blocking access to certain files and applications on each computer you manage, you can keep them safe from misuse. Every bill you create can be customized to the detail, by adding logos or other text decorations, depending on your preferences.
A study and powerful program for computer time billing
To conclude, ANTAMEDIA Internet Cafe Software offers you an efficient and secure way of managing each computer from your Internet cafe or gaming center, by monitoring them and the time each customer spends on each one. Bills are automatically generated and they can be customized to fit your business.
ANTAMEDIA Internet Cafe Software Free Download is an effective time-tracking program for Internet cafes or gaming centers, which helps you study and bill your customers’ time.
Antamedia Internet Cafe Software is an efficient time-tracking program for Internet cafes or gaming centers. This powerful tool can help you keep track of the time your customers spend on each computer, while generating a bill for each client and being able to set customized payment options.
Antamedia Internet Cafe Software is the perfect solution to help you study and bill your customers’ time, while keeping them safe from misuse or damage. Whether managing a gaming center or Internet cafe, this efficient time-tracking and billing program enables you to record and time-track the use of computers belonging to clients.
Under the supervision of each computer, the application can detect every operation they perform, letting you control what users can do and what they can’t. Automatically generating bills for each client makes it easy to generate bills and study the hours each one of them spent.
You can customize the product to your preference, by setting payment options for each bill, including specific credit card or e-mail accounts. Antamedia Internet Cafe Software also makes it easy to read through your bills and generate a report for the whole period, by setting the date range of the report you want to generate.
Antamedia Internet Cafe Software is the perfect solution to help you study and bill your customers’ time, while keeping them safe from misuse or damage. Whether managing a gaming center or Internet cafe, this efficient time-tracking and billing program enables you to record and time-track the use of computers belonging to clients.
Antamedia Internet Cafe Software Description:
ANTAMEDIA Internet Cafe Software is an effective time-tracking program for Internet cafes or gaming centers, which helps you study and bill your customers’ time.
Antamedia Internet Cafe Software is an efficient time-tracking program for Internet cafes or gaming centers. This powerful tool can help you keep track of the time your customers spend on each computer, while generating a bill for each client and being able to set customized payment options.
Under the supervision of each computer, the application can detect every operation they perform, letting you control what users can do and what they can’t. Automatically generating bills for each client makes it easy to generate bills and study the hours each one of them spent.
You can customize the product to your preference, by setting payment options for each bill, including specific
-Protect your computer against unwanted games, applications or file access.
-Easily administrate a computer network with a centralized server.
-Choose whether to separate the administrative functions of an Internet cafe or to integrate them in a single application.
-Choose how you wish to see your customers’ login data.
-Create bills and print them out.
-Create multiple bills.
-Free trial.
Antamedia Games (www.antamedia.com) was founded in 2003. Being the first and only software company in Romania that deals specifically with Internet cafes and entertainment centers, we started off in the field with a more than successful venture. Since then we have been developing the necessary technical components to enable us to provide Internet cafes all around the world with unique services.
We are proud to have been chosen for the ITC 2012 Award for Outstanding Design in the category of Entertainment.
Our philosophy is to create software that contributes to the effectiveness of all our clients’ projects, as every computer system in a center belongs to the same customer. The solutions we offer are tailored to each organization, by fulfilling their specific needs.
Our software is a unique blend of practicality, flexibility and adaptability; the results speak for themselves.
Antamedia is a company with an entrepreneurial spirit. We pride ourselves in our relatively low prices and the positive impact on our clients’ business. However, that is not all we are about. From the very beginning, we have placed an immense value on the quality of our products, providing support to clients who use our products with our personal assistance.
Copyright (C) 2004-2011
by Antamedia Software
All rights reserved
Written by Dr. Bogdan Ulciu
E-Mail: talkabout@iclova.ro
This product is the ideal solution for managing your Internet cafe.
The software is very easy to use and allows you to start a business in the simplest way, with the
minimum set of tools. It has many possibilities for customization, as well as integration with internal
This product is free for non-commercial use.
You are allowed to use this software free of charge for any non-commercial purpose.
You are free to use this software in your own Internet cafe, as long as you are not charging any service fees.
You may use this
Do not have to be a specialist in languages to work as a translator. In fact, it is an excellent business you can run on a part-time basis. Many people have translated texts by translating for a fee. In my previous articles, I wrote about translators, how a professional translator can earn a lot of money, and how to become a translator yourself.
How to Become a Translator?
1. Buy a computer with a scanner
A good method of making a living as a translator, is to buy a computer, and a scanner to scan images into computer. You would be surprised how many translations are done without using a computer at all.
2. Become a student of grammar and grammar reference books
Many people are not aware that translating requires the ability to understand the language and grammar. Becoming an expert translator will take time to master. No one is born a master at anything. Learning a language takes many years of studying and practice.
3. Join a translation association
The translation association is a group of translators and interpreters. The associations are granted official accreditation by the competent government agencies. For example, Accreditation Council for Translation and Interpretation (ACTI), Translators’ Union of America (TUA), Union Internacional de Traductores y Traductores (IUTT), International Organization of Translators and Interpreters (IOTA), Interpreter and Translator Association of Canada (ITAC), are organizations for professional translators.
4. Use Google Translate
5. Get to know the language you are trying to translate into
If you think you can not learn to translate a certain language, try to find online tutorial. Most of the time, you can find a tutorial on a specific language at an English language website.
6. Work hard
If you are looking to translate into a foreign language, you will have to dedicate to it. It will take up to 10 years to become a native speaker.
7. Learn the language of your customers and/or clients
Translation is communication. A translator who cannot communicate can not translate. It is a good idea to learn the languages of your customers and/or clients. After that, you can communicate directly with them.
8. Expand your expertise
Translation covers many disciplines. You can start by translating marketing and business documents.
9. Work as a freelancer
ANTAMEDIA Internet Cafe Software: time tracking software
Software powered by Antamedia, one of the leading time tracking software providers in the business.
What you can do with it
1. Track computer and customer time
2. Make sure customer for what they come to your business
3. Collect and record hourly rate
4. Rollover billing
5. Compare billing between multiple locations
All you need to start is one or more Computer. It’s as simple as that!
The best part of all is that it’s Free, Easy to setup and save time for you
Table of Contents
The Antamedia Internet Cafe Software has a few more useful features:
– User management
– Keep track of the computers used and their life time
– Track time
– Standard billing
– Rollover billing
What it does
The Antamedia Internet Cafe Software will help you manage your Internet cafe, internet coffee house, gaming center or whatever other online cafe application you wish to create. With this software you will be able to:
– Track your customer time and bill it accordingly
– Enhance the computer usage time tracking
– Protect your computers from being abused
– Customer can enter the cafe and register and use the computer as long as you want them to.
– Track information about the computers as you wish to (owner, manufacturer, OS, processor, etc)
– Set break points for certain rules so that every time a computer gets “off” for a certain time, it gets restarted
– Monitor all computers in a second location (E.g: main cafe)
– Monitor the computer use between two locations (E.g: main cafe and arcade room)
– Listen to computers even when they are turned off
How do I get it?
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Antamedia Internet Cafe Software. It is a 1-in-1 type of software. This means that you need to install it on only 1 computer. It will work on any windows platform. This means that it will work on Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, 7, 8 or any kind of Windows platform.
To install the software, you will need to download the Antamedia Internet Cafe Software from the website and unzip the file. This will create a folder that will have both the installed and uninstalled versions of the application.
Go to the installation folder that has the AN
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