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Bluetooth Technology can be used for human interface and one of the most promising uses is for hands-free mobile phone device, commonly called Hands Free Units (HFU).
Bluetooth is a serial protocol that can connect two physical objects or machines to form a network using radio waves.

The process of implementation is relatively straight forward and you can follow the JSR-82 approach to do it, however I would recommend that the steps should be as few as possible and I would be using the BlueSock API as a blueprint in it.
JSR-82 HandsFree API can be used to add Bluetooth functionality to an audio player applet.

This project uses JNI-JSR-82 to convert the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s into JSR-82 API to create a tight JSR-82 binding for the Windows Bluetooth API. This is a work-in-progress, so I am only using the Bluetooth APIs that are most helpful and apparent to this project, as I am using this for a hands-free mobile phone device.
Bluetooth API Structure:
The Bluetooth API is designed to allow third-party applications to add Bluetooth functionality to another application (not to the user of the system).

This is achieved through the use of adapter objects. An application can access a particular Bluetooth device by using the appropriate adapters (the BlueSock API uses a special class, called the BTSocket, that is subclassed by the BTAudio (for “Bluetooth Audio”) class), and the Bluetooth API enables the application to carry out these operations using a unique combination of functions and attributes.

Get BlueSock and take it for a test drive to see how useful it can be in implementing Bluetooth API in Java. The BlueSock API works with Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

The following “CTP” (Compile Time Package) is required for this project:

BLUESTOCK_Classes, BLUESTOCK_Sockets, BLUESTOCK_Sockets_Native, BLUESTOCK_Sockets_Native_Impl, BLUESTOCK_Thread, BLUESTOCK_Thread_Native

The JNI does not support 64-bit application compatibility and deployment, so the traditional libraries are not available for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

This project uses the BlueSock API to expose the Bluetooth API functions from a native Windows computer.

Read the “BlueSock API Documentation

Bluesock Crack+ Keygen For (LifeTime)

Bluesock is a Bluetooth client application. Designed to show how to get started with the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s. This project aims to wrap the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s with JSR-82 using JNI.




Bluesock is a Bluetooth client application. Designed to show how to get started with the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s. This project aims to wrap the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s with JSR-82 using JNI.





Bluesock is a Bluetooth client application. Designed to show how to get started with the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s. This project aims to wrap the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s with JSR-82 using JNI.


The BlueSock Bluetooth Framework
The BlueSock Bluetooth Framework ( allows you to implement Bluetooth API on Windows with C++.

The Microsoft Bluetooth Protocol Stack for Windows
This is the version of the Microsoft Bluetooth Protocol Stack for Windows XP and later.

It includes the Bluetooth stack of Win2k. It’s used for developing BlueSock.

BlueSock relies on some stack components. It’s very helpful to have Win2k installed.

With BlueSock you can develop BlueSock applications. All components used by BlueSock are compatible with all major Windows platforms and can be used on all Microsoft Windows platforms.

Microsoft Bluetooth Object Model Explorer
This tool is a useful reference for the Microsoft Bluetooth Object Model.

Other Project Info

This project has two outputs. One is a BlueSock Framework that allows you to implement Bluetooth API on Windows. The other is a.dll file that can be used with Java to enable Java to use the Windows Bluetooth API. This.dll file will be compatible with all major Windows platforms, not just Windows XP. You can use this.dll file in Java applications and it will work fine. Please see the installation instructions section for more information.

The project page has a lot of documentation. There’s no project meeting notes, just the project home page.

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This project has a working example, named Bluesock. Try out Bluesock.

The BlueSock Bluetooth Framework

The Blue

Bluesock Crack License Key

Bluesock is a project to wrap the Microsoft Windows API’s for Bluetooth with JSR-82 using JNI. It is a very early alpha version that contains the initial implementation of JSR-82 for BlueTooth and offers the possibility to make it play the blues, an impossibility at present. It uses the MonkeyProject pre-release for Java 5, Java 6, and Java 7. Bluesock will be available at:

Snapshots of Bluesock are available here:

Version changes will be posted on the Dev Wiki here:

BlueTooth API JSR-82 implementation with JNI example:

Windows 2000

The Windows 2000 API’s that needs to be wrapped are:

1) Create BTSocket
2) Create NAP WFM
3) Make an initial call to ConnectToDevice
4) Bind to RFCOMM by calling ConnectToRemoteDevice (BluetoothStack implementation)
5) Create Socket Configuration
6) Conenct to the socket to an RFCOMM Source
7) Create Session
8) Create WFMO
9) Open channel of WFMO
10) Open Connection
11) Create Connection
12) Connect two RFCOMM sources to the connection
13) Close Connection
14) FmConnect to a RFCOMM destination
15) Create Connection
16) FmConnect to a RFCOMM destination
17) Close Socket

The JSR-82 implementation uses the virtual sockets for the RFCOMM source and destination channel and the RFCOMM destination. Socket creation fails to connect to the remote destination and only via debugging can we figure out why the RFCOMM Destination is not connecting.

Using this project we can implement the majority of the Windows 2000 Bluetooth API’s.

Windows XP

The Windows XP API’s that needs to be wrapped are:

1) Create BTSocket
2) Create NAP WFM
3) Make an initial call to ConnectToDevice
4) Bind to RFCOMM by calling ConnectToRemoteDevice (BluetoothStack implementation)
5) Create Socket Configuration
6) Conenct to the socket to an RFCOMM Source
7) Create Session
8) Create WFMO
9) Open channel of WFMO
10) Open Connection
11) Create Connection
12) Connect two RFCOMM sources to the connection
13) Close Connection
14) FmConnect to a RFC

What’s New in the Bluesock?

Bluesock is a Java implementation of the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s.

This project aims to wrap the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s with JSR-82 using JNI. Get Bluesock and take it for a test drive to see how useful it can be in implementing Bluetooth API in Java.

Bluesock Description:
Bluesock is a Java implementation of the Microsoft Windows Bluetooth API’s.

The Bluetooth OS API is defined as a set of API’s that allow Bluetooth enabled devices to exchange data with each other or interact with the user. This is similar to the OS API’s that are used by other functions of the operating system in such platforms as Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It is not a complete implementation of the Bluetooth OS API and is only a handful of the functionality available. The results of this project will enable users to write Java classes that will enable Bluetooth enabled devices to communicate and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled devices, and to interact with the user. The user will be able to select what data is transferred between devices and when.


1. Identify what features you would like to add to the Bluetooth API’s.
2. Find the Windows bluetooth API reference.
3. Search the web or use the API’s to test out what features you can accomplish.
4. Identify which of the API’s you will use in this implementation.
5. Start writing code.

The API’s are compiled into.DLL’s and.LIB’s. The.DLL’s contain the implementation of the functions while the.LIB’s are where the functions are declared for importing by other applications. To use the API’s provided, the other application must link to one of the.DLL’s or.LIB’s that it needs. There are several interfaces available in the API’s that allow you to choose the functions you want to use.

The API’s are not always available with the source code of the OS. If you are interested in looking at some of the real implementations of the API’s, you will most likely need a copy of the appropriate OS. Linux has several implementations of the API’s to choose from. MacOS has a Bluetooth API implementation available online. Windows has a Bluetooth API implementation available online.

For use of the API’s, you will need Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 Express Edition. You also will need a Bluetooth enabled device to test out the code. You can use any wireless mice or keyboards

System Requirements For Bluesock:

Operating System: Win XP SP2 or later
Processor: 1GHz processor
Memory: 512MB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3.0 support (graphics cards are not included)
Storage: 1GB available hard drive space
The rest of the requirements are here.
For the install, use the zip you download, it should be named “”. It will contain the files for Windows XP, and you can also
