Disk Size Manager is an intuitive and approachable program that analyzes disk space to help you figure out the largest files taking up on the most space. It shows results in pie charts and lets you perform advanced file scans.
Simple setup and clear-cut interface
After a brief and uneventful setup procedure that shouldn't impose any difficulties, you are welcomed by a user-friendly interface that displays all local disks at startup, letting you find out their total and free space, drive type, file system cluster size, and status.
You can select one or more partitions and ask the utility to immediately scan them. It calculates the size of all files and displays the folders in hierarchical view in real time, starting with the largest one.
Scan drives, investigate results, and export data
These results are automatically translated into the pie chart, so you can quickly find out which containing files of a selected folder are the largest (names and percentage of directory occupied space). The pie chart can be shown in 2D or 3D, with or without a user-defined background color. It's possible to zoom in and out of the graphical representation, copy the image to the Clipboard, print it, or export it to file (.bmp or .jpg format).
Disk Size Manager also lets you export the text report to file (.txt, Excel, .html or .csv format), view the compressed size, usage or unused excess of the folders, sort them by name, examine bar charts instead of pie charts, get a detailed view of the results, restructure the results by file types, discover file age and owners, or map network drives.
Run advanced file searches and configure app settings
Furthermore, you can conduct an advanced file search operation in one or more drives, apply file masks, take temporary Internet files into account, set text content to match, use regular expressions, indicate a size and date range (creation or modification), narrow down results by file attributes, and create an exclusion list with folders.
As far as general options are concerned, it's possible to establish a default scan folder at startup, enable fast scan mode, ask the tool to highlight compressed files and folders, restrict file sizes for the scanner, as well as specify files to include and exclude, along with folders to exclude.
Evaluation and conclusion
Disk Size Manager worked smoothly in our tests, without causing the operating system to hang, crash or pop up error messages. During scan jobs, it used high CPU and low-to-moderate RAM. Taking into account its advanced, yet intuitive options, it proves to be a pretty reliable assistant for analyzing disk space. Too bad it hasn't been recently updated.
Disk Size Manager Cracked Version is an intuitive and approachable program that analyzes disk space to help you figure out the largest files taking up on the most space. It shows results in pie charts and lets you perform advanced file scans.
Simple setup and clear-cut interface After a brief and uneventful setup procedure that shouldn’t impose any difficulties, you are welcomed by a user-friendly interface that displays all local disks at startup, letting you find out their total and free space, drive type, file system cluster size, and status.
You can select one or more partitions and ask the utility to immediately scan them. It calculates the size of all files and displays the folders in hierarchical view in real time, starting with the largest one. Scan drives, investigate results, and export data These results are automatically translated into the pie chart, so you can quickly find out which containing files of a selected folder are the largest (names and percentage of directory occupied space). The pie chart can be shown in 2D or 3D, with or without a user-defined background color. It’s possible to zoom in and out of the graphical representation, copy the image to the Clipboard, print it, or export it to file (.bmp or.jpg format).
Disk Size Manager also lets you export the text report to file (.txt, Excel,.html or.csv format), view the compressed size, usage or unused excess of the folders, sort them by name, examine bar charts instead of pie charts, get a detailed view of the results, restructure the results by file types, discover file age and owners, or map network drives.
Run advanced file searches and configure app settings Furthermore, you can conduct an advanced file search operation in one or more drives, apply file masks, take temporary Internet files into account, set text content to match, use regular expressions, indicate a size and date range (creation or modification), narrow down results by file attributes, and create an exclusion list with folders. As far as general options are concerned, it’s possible to establish a default scan folder at startup, enable fast scan mode, ask the tool to highlight compressed files and folders, restrict file sizes for the scanner, as well as specify files to include and exclude, along with folders to exclude.
Evaluation and conclusion Disk Size Manager worked smoothly in our tests, without causing the operating system to hang, crash or pop up error messages. During scan jobs, it used high CPU and low-to-moderate RAM. Taking into account its advanced, yet
Get details about disk space usage by folder and file, including the date of creation, date of last modification and owners of files and folders.
Report the total size, free space, and used space of each file, as well as the number of users and folders.
View the tree-like folder structure, specify the folder to scan, launch an in-depth file search on a specific folder (or drives) in order to quickly find files that are the largest.
Specify a search expression to narrow down results.
Evaluate the compressed files space.
Read file details by last modified date and time and file extension.
Display data in various file formats, including Excel, CSV, HTML and plain text format.
Generate detailed compressed files report for the specified files or folders.
Learn how to quickly scan the system storage using Disk Size Manager Windows and Mac. This is the best way to discover which folders are taking up the most space, even when you aren’t looking!
What is Disk Space Manager? –
Help, Support, Manuals, FAQs, How-Tos & Reviews
There are many misleading small utilities under the name Disk Space Manager. Some claim to clear up space, while they free up your drives, others purport to recover files. In reality, they simply do the exact opposite. You are better off using a Disk Cleanup or undelete utility in a Windows environment, as these are more effective at their original purpose.
One application Disk Space Manager does what it says on the tin, and does it well. It shows you the total size, free space and used space of your drives in a useful way. You can search for specific files or folders in any drive or partition and find out the sizes of their files and folders. It’s also pretty good at showing you the time, date and user the files were created on.
Disk Size Manager provides an extensive set of options, letting you craft a report just the way you want to. It has six different reports, each with their own graphical output, and you can do a file scan or scan all drives and partitions. This isn’t the most effective way of doing a file space check but, if you want to dig deeper, it is better than nothing.
Disk Size Manager Features:
Analyze and show total size, free space, used space, and more…
Get file details on date of creation, time of last modification and owners of files and folders.
Analysis and monitoring the disk space to find which folders take up the most space on your computer. It shows the original space usage, folder size, unused excess, or compare space usage at a selected time to the current one. You can perform file scans over selected drives, folders, or entire partition. Generate detailed reports, and export them to.txt,.csv,.html,.xls,.bmp, or.jpg file. Set to ignore temporary internet files, to reduce the size of their folder, or to exclude the folder from disk space analysis.
System requirements:
Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows 10 (32-bit) / Windows 10 (64-bit) / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2008 / Windows Server 2003.
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How to add border color to NSTableCellView
I have an NSTable with a row count of 3. The first two cells are normal labels but the third one is a custom cell view with a NSTextField on it.
I want the border around the text box to be grey. I have no idea how to do it.
I’ve tried set background color to the view, but it doesnt work.
I am very new to cocoa, could you please help me out?
This is how I got a border around an NSTextField in an NSTableView:
-(void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
NSSize cellSize = [self cellSize];
NSTextField* textField = (NSTextField*)[self fieldEditorView];
Disk Size Manager is an intuitive and approachable program that analyzes disk space to help you figure out the largest files taking up on the most space. It shows results in pie charts and lets you perform advanced file scans.
Ease of Use:
Disk Size Manager was easy to setup and navigate. I haven’t found any issues with the interface and each operation was easy to follow.
Memory and Performance:
Disk Size Manager used low resources, with each operation consuming only low RAM and CPU. The application is stable. The utility did not crash or pop-up error messages in our tests.
Quality of Execution:
Disk Size Manager did as it was supposed to do. No issues were detected during scans.”You can’t tell if it’s a guy or girl when they walk like this,” said one classmate when I asked if she would be voting for Hillary Clinton at this year’s high school election. She didn’t go on to state her opposition to Clinton, just showed me that Hillary Clinton is already on shaky ground with young voters.
Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump has made a great effort to woo young voters. He has targeted college kids with promises of big college scholarship programs, has promised to make military service more attractive for young people, has made inroads to talking to students, has campaigned in front of students, and has frequently acknowledged that he is younger than his opponent. His campaign has even rolled out a whole new theme aimed directly at students to talk about the challenges they face and what needs to be done to tackle them. Yet his very campaign strategy has worked to undermine his credibility in the eyes of young voters.
Trump has been a nearly perfect target for Bernie Sanders and Democratic Socialists of America. Sanders’ and DSA’s success in mobilizing young voters has been quite dramatic; while Bernie won the youth vote in Iowa, he actually lost overall to Hillary Clinton in the state because he got crushed among young voters.
This young voter has been a vocal critic of what she called the “rigged” Democratic National Convention. I was recently chatting with another student who has been speaking out about the Convention on social media. She told me that she has been in the process of transitioning from a registered Democrat to registered Independent. She cited as reasons Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric toward women, toward people of color, as well as his embrace of police brutality, and said that she would never vote for a Republican again.
Young voters who are Bernie Sanders or Democratic Socialists of America
Input Devices:
PC Keyboard with keyboard support
Gamepad Controller
Mice with a wheel
2 way mouse (optional)
HD webcam
If you want to use a different webcam you can use the Video Sample.
Video Resolution:
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We recommend 1280×720 for best performance.
For HD (720p)
For HD (720)
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