This debut project was completed by experienced game developers from the University of Southampton’s computer games, animation, and design departments. Participants include designer & programmer Alessandro Monteleone, game designer & animator Diarmid Pritchard, art & design student Dave Brinkley, and artist and animator Dan Morrissey.
Project Personnel
Designer & Programmer: Alessandro Monteleone
Lead Artist: Dan Morrissey
Animator: Diarmid Pritchard
Art: Diarmid Pritchard, Dan Morrissey
About SMU Guildhall:
SMU Guildhall is a research and development institution of higher education. Students can develop computer games, applications, publishing tools and games for the internet.
Copyright © SMU Guildhall 2009-2010. All rights reserved.Q:
I cannot access my user class
My program has a class Login that handles any login process of the user. It is declared in the header file and then defined in the source file. I understand that my file is including Login, but I cannot access the class object of login. When I try I get the following message:
error: invalid use of incomplete type’struct user’
I cannot figure out what to do, all I want is to create a login class for my program.
#ifndef __LOGIN__
#define __LOGIN__
using namespace std;
//! Representes a login record
class Login {
string name, pass;
Login(string n, string p);
bool operator
using namespace std;
//! Constructor
Login::Login(string n, string p)
this->name = n;
this->pass = p;